We create our own independent businesses which operate in Czechia or internationally under separate brands in various niches.

We don’t aim for the big fame, rather we establish stable and truly reliable brands, each proven as a leading name in its own niche.
We are bFine.
FROM 2021
Equally good in Czech Republic, UK, and USA
We develop mobile apps, online stores, websites, and subscription-based products
For us, BeeFine is not just about creating applications. First and foremost, it's a big business that inspires us and makes us wake up every morning and continue working with interest.
FROM 2019
Over the last two years, we have taught 2000+ students.
We create high-quality and useful courses together with CZU and Prague 14.
Formerly Czech Yourself
Teaching Czech to foreigners. Interesting, effective, with love.
FROM 2021
700+ satisfied and healthy clients.
We are trusted by doctors, teachers, entrepreneurs, leaders, and other busy individuals who have many responsibilities and little time.
20 minutes at BFine.Fitness equals 90 minutes at a regular gym.
real estate
FROM 2024
All-inclusive offices for small and medium-sized businesses
Three floors of newly renovated offices with exceptional service and attention to detail.
The lease includes business email, a private gym, and incredible views of Karpova Square and Prague Castle.
FROM 2024
We redefine approaches, uncover opportunities, and turn every project into a success.
We focus on unique projects and property management, delivering tailored solutions to maximize returns. We identify prime properties and create innovative strategies for growth.
Efficient asset management ensures outstanding results, helping our partners and investors achieve superior profits
Our companies
BFINE AZ s.r.o.
Karlovo náměstí 313/8
EuroCentralGroup s.r.o.
Karlovo náměstí 313/8
Karlovo náměstí 313/8
BFINE FT s.r.o.
Karlovo náměstí 313/8
BFine.Academy s.r.o.
Bělehradská 222/128
BFine.Capital s.r.o.
Bělehradská 222/128
BFine.Capital s.r.o.
Bělehradská 222/128
IČO: 07712294
Prague, czech republic
+420 775 115 995

Karlovo náměstí 313/8,
Praha 102 00
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